Welcome to Benchmark Church

Our vision as a church is to continue growing into viable instruments in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Our main purpose is spreading the good news of God’s love for every individual, no matter what their journey in life has taken them through or the place it has brought them to. We provide a safe place for those whose lives have not turned out quite as they may have planned, and to help them find rest and a renewed relationship with Christ.

We also serve a place for those who already do have a relationship with Christ, and serve, follow and grow in Him, alongside our brothers and sisters.

We strive to provide evolving life groups for all to find a connection with those who are in a similar stage in their lives and walks with Christ. Along with those goals, we are continually searching for new ways to expand our local and global mission outreach. In regard to longer-term goals, we hold the belief that we should disciple new Christians towards the ultimate goal of sharing the Word of God and saving souls. We also follow God's will, even when it requires us to set goals which look and seem impossible to reach. We continue to see God reach down and do His supernatural work and will through us, for the glory of His Holy Name, alone.

Our Mission

Our beliefs ...

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and in its divine authority. We believe in God as creator and sustainer of the universe. God so loved his creation that he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to save the world.

We believe that Jesus was both God and man, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life. He was crucified and died as a penalty for our sins and was bodily resurrected from the dead on the third day. He ascended to the Father’s right hand, where he is the head of the church and from where he is coming again to personally claim his bride, the church.

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, dwells within all believers. He fills and refills believers in response to their yielding to his holy will. We believe the Holy Spirit was given for us to minister to needs both inside and outside of the church.

We practice water baptism by immersion; regular celebration of communion, prayer, and anointing with oil for physical, mental, and spiritual needs; and public use of an altar for prayer and petition, as well as confessing needs to God.

Our staff ...

Pastor Tony Chick - Lead Pastor

My wife, Bonnie, and I are thrilled to be serving in our own community here at Benchmark Church. Bonnie and her family have lived in the Hartland area all their life. I moved into the community several years ago, when I relocated to work with a local pole building crew, with Bonnie’s cousins, Tom and Joel Hoose. Eventually, Tom and Joel led me to our savior, Jesus Christ. In time, they introduced me to Bonnie, who I married over thirty years ago. We have three adult children, and six grandchildren.

Bonnie was raised with a very strong church foundation, but I was never anywhere near a church when I grew up. Even though we were on different life journeys, God brought us together into a place where we could meet and embark upon the will which God had for the two us. We would love to have a chance to share what God has done in our lives and hear about what He is doing in yours.

Tina Buda - Administrative Assistant

Tina is the "glue" here at Benchmark Church. Whether keeping Pastor Tony on track, soliciting volunteers, or coordinating outreach activities, she is so appreciated. Tina, and her husband Todd, have lived in the area for the past 14 years and are very involved in community outreach.

Aside from her administrative work, she coordinates the Children's Bible Studies and Vacation Bible School. She has a special love for the children and youth at Benchmark.

Our Location

Join us at Benchmark Church, where love and inspiration welcome everyone to experience the presence of God in our community.


5530 Runyan Lake Road, Fenton MI 48430


Sunday 9 a.m. to noon

Closed Monday

Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Closed Saturday

Cherish my Sundays with "Pastor T" and my fellow worshippers ! Open the church back up please! We miss our Sunday service

Sherri M.
